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Nigerian agriculture is characterized by considerable regional and crop diversity.  Analysis of this sector, particularly the food sub-sector, is fraught with serious data problems.  However, the available statistics provide a broad overview of development in agriculture upon which we can make some broad generalizations about its role in economic development and structural change in Nigeria.

In the 1960s, the agricultural sector was the most important in terms of contributions to domestic production, employment and foreign exchange earnings.  The situation remained almost the same three decades later with the exception that it is no longer the principal foreign exchange earner, a role now being played by oil.

The sector remained stagnant during the oil boom decade of the 1970s, and this accounted largely for the declining share of its contributions.  The trend in the share of agriculture in the GDP shows a substantial variation and long-term decline from 60% in the early 1960s through 48.8% in the 1970s and 22.2% in the 1980s. Unstable and often inappropriate economic policies (of pricing, trade and exchange rate), the relative neglect of the sector and the negative impact of oil boom were also important factors responsible for the decline in its contributions.

On its diversity, Nigerian agriculture features tree and food crops, forestry, livestock and fisheries.  In 1993 at 1984 constant factor cost, crops (the major source of food) accounted for about 30% of the Gross Domestic Products (GDP), livestock about 5%, forestry and wildlife about 1.3% and fisheries accounted 1.2%.

One of the food crops grown in Nigeria is Maize. Nigeria has an annual maize production in excess of 7 million metric tons and ranges as the ten largest producers in the world and this articles examines the investment opportunity in establishing corn flake production plant in Nigeria.

The major raw material used for the manufacture of corn flakes is maize. Maize is grown in all the parts of the country. Some of states that maize is produced in large quantity in Nigeria includes Plataeu, Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto, Gombe, Bauchi, Zamfara, Benue , Kogi , Nassarawa and Taraba.Sugar is another raw material used for the manufacture of corn flakes.Other ingredients including cocoa powder, salt, malt and flavors which can be sourced locally.

The production process to make corn flakes is stated below

I. Raw Material: The best material is hard dent corn, because of its transparency after gelatinization and good looking of the products.
II. Adopting the drying-degerming method. First, to regulate the moisture with the hot steam and hot water exceeding 90℃.And then to pre-grind the corn without germ. The mixture would separate out grits after evenly sieving.
III. Ingredients: To add the salt, malt and the other ingredients with the water during cooking the grits, it can make the water content up to 20%~35%, then to cook the grits with steam of 1.47X105P until gelatinized to semi-transparent.
IV. Drying: to dry and extrude the grits at 66℃ until the moisture is 19%~20%, cool it down to 30~40℃. Then to press the flake to  0.7~1mm with steel roller. Before pressing, the corns should be made dispersedly to ensure the chips evenly distributed.
VI. Roasting: Temperature: 250~350℃, Time: 20~150 seconds. to make the moisture down to 10%. To fry the chips with the temperature not exceed 200℃,the corn chips would be crispy.
VII. Spraying enhancer: To spray with nutrient substance to make it intensified corn chips or spread on sugar, flavor if necessary.

The process is simplified below

Corn →Cleaning →Peeling and Degerming →Classifying →Cooking →Drying & Rlending →Rolling, Flaking or Extruding →Toasting →Cooling →Packing →Finished Products

Depending on the production production process adopted, some of the equipments required for the production of corn flakes includes cleaning equipment, degermer, roller mills,sifters, grinding tables,Storage (Silo), Mixer, Extruder Cooker, Coating Machine, Storage Bin, Packaging Machine and aspirators.

Corn flakes are food made by combining corn with sugar, vitamins and minerals. They are usually served as breakfast largely taken with milk.

Currently corn flakes is consumed by the international community, and a portion of middle and upper income groups of the urban population.

There is high demand for corn flakes in Nigeria. With a population of over 165 million people and an estimated national population growth rate of 5.7% per annum ,an average economic growth rate of 3.5% per annum in the past five {5} years, Nigeria has a large market for corn flakes.

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At Foraminifera Market Research {}, we provide bespoke and up to date market research reports for start-ups and those already in business.

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You can order our different detailed feasibility report on corn flakes production in Nigeria from by clicking on the link below.


Report Code: FORA/054-807/2015/CORNFLAKES PRODUCTIONINNGERIA/0765-0976

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