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Scrap Tyre Recycling In Nigeria; The Pre-Feasibility Report

Scrap Tyre Recycling In Nigeria; The Pre-Feasibility Report


In Nigeria, Every year thousands of tons of used plastic products and rubber products like worn tyres are abandoned. Such large amounts of municipal solid wastes, If not disposed in the proper way, can cause serious environmental pollution to our air, water and land which would affect our health.
In traditional ways, waste tyres are usually retreaded and exported overseas for reuse, or processed into crumbs for making surfaces and into chips for use as a solid fuel.


In Nigeria, Every year thousands of tons of used plastic products and rubber products like worn tyres are abandoned. Such large amounts of municipal solid wastes, If not disposed in the proper way, can cause serious environmental pollution to our air, water and land which would affect our health.

In traditional ways, waste tyres are usually retreaded and exported overseas for reuse, or processed into crumbs for making surfaces and into chips for use as a solid fuel.

Nowadays by recycling the product, we can contribute to solving environmental pollution, easing the energy shortage and creating huge economic benefits.

Tyre recycling or rubber recycling is the process of recycling vehicles’ tyres that are no longer suitable for use on vehicles due to wear or irreparable damage (such as punctures). These tyres are among the largest and most problematic sources of waste, due to the large volume produced, their durability, and the fact they contain a number of components that are ecologically problematic.

It is estimated that 259 million tyres are discarded annually. The same characteristics that make waste tyres problematic, their cheap availability, bulk, and resilience, also make them attractive targets for recycling.

This report is to examine the financial viability or otherwise of establishing a scrap tyre recycling plant in Nigeria.

The proposed plant would comprise of Waste Tyre Recycling Plant, Forklift, Transformer, Generator, Project Vehicle
And Weigh Bridge.

The plant would operate at 70% of the installed capacity working three (3) shifts of 8 hours each in 300 day per annum producing 177,900 litres, 105 and 52 tons of fuel oil, carbon black and steel wire respectively bi-monthly.