As the nation embark on a drive to attract investors into the generation, transmission and distribution of power in Nigeria, it is important that government not only takes such actions on a consistent basis but work to establish a good energy mix for the country by exposing […]
Read more →In one of my articles we wrote about the investment opportunity in processing of bone and meat meal to be used in the production of livestock feed. Our subject of discussion on this article would be on the production of livestock feeds. Nigeria, with a population of […]
Read more →Do you have a sound business plan/feasibility study on a project that you would like to embark on but lack the required fund? Research has shown that lack of fund is the single greatest factor which inhibits the establishment of new businesses and the growth of existing […]
Read more →There are two major seasons in Nigeria – the wet and dry seasons. The total annual rainfall decreases from 3,800mm at Forcados on the coast to below 650mm at Maiduguri in the north east of the country. The length of the rainy seasons also decreases from nearly 12 […]
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