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Waste {Trash} Bag Production In Nigeria; {From 50% Virgin Material And 50% Secondary Recycled Material}; The Feasibility Report

Waste {Trash} Bag Production In Nigeria; {From 50% Virgin Material And 50% Secondary Recycled Material}; The Feasibility Report


Proper management of solid waste is critical to the health and well-being of urban residents. In Lagos metropolis, like most cities in the developing world, several tons of municipal solid waste is left uncollected on the streets each day, clogging drains, creating feeding ground for pests that spread disease and creating a myriad of related health and infrastructural problems.


Proper management of solid waste is critical to the health and well-being of urban residents. In Lagos metropolis, like most cities in the developing world, several tons of municipal solid waste is left uncollected on the streets each day, clogging drains, creating feeding ground for pests that spread disease and creating a myriad of related health and infrastructural problems.

A substantial part of the urban residents in the city and suburban informal settlements of Lagos metropolis also have little or no access to solid waste collection services. This is due to lack of proper land use planning which resulted in the creation of informal settlements with narrow streets that make it difficult for collection trucks to reach many areas.

The result is that a large portion of the population is left without access to solid waste management making them particularly vulnerable.

Presently, the rate of waste generation in Lagos (with estimated population over 10 million in 2012) is 9, 000 tonnes/day (Lagos State Waste Management Authority, LAWMA) while in Kano State, the rate is 3, 849 tonnes/day (Bayero University Kano Consultancy Unit).

Generally, the average rate of generation is estimated as 0.5kg/capital/day. Biodegradable waste account for over 50% of waste generated with other component estimated at different composition in different States.

Waste bag is needed to properly handle these wastes. Waste bag can be produced from HDPE, LDPE material and recycled material. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polyethylene high-density (PEHD) is a polyethylene thermoplastic made from petroleum. Known for its large strength to density ratio, HDPE is commonly used in the production of plastic bottles, corrosion-resistant piping, geomembranes, and plastic lumber.

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is a thermoplastic made from the monomer ethylene. It was the first grade of polyethylene, produced in 1933 by Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) using a high pressure process via free radical polymerization.

Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different in form from their original state.  Recycled material can either be primary, those gotten during production or secondary, those collect after use.

The plant would make use of secondary material to complement the virgin material and reduce cost.

This feasibility report seeks to examine the financial viability or otherwise of establishing waste bag production plant in Nigeria from 50% virgin material {HDPE] and 50% secondary recycled material.

The proposed plant comprise of one set film blowing machine of 35 kg / hr capacity and two sets of Ribbon-through continuous-rolled bag making machine producing 150 pcs / min. The equipment would operate at 90% of the installed capacity working double shifts of 8 hours each in 300 day per annum.

The plant would produce 176,223 pcs per day of 450 mm * 550 mm waste bag of 0.015mm thickness each requiring 504 kg of raw materials. The product would be packaged in rolls of 30 sheets each and 30 pieces of such rolls would fill a carton.

Other equipment’s are auto load, air compressor, die rotary device and Double side’s winder.