Nigeria has for long been a major producer of crude oil ever since the first commercial well was drilled in Oloibiri in present day Bayelsa state. The country presently has an estimated 35.3 billion barrels both onshore and offshore assets mostly domiciled in the Niger Delta basin. […]
Read more →Foraminifera Market Research provides bespoke market entry solution to both local and international investors in the small and medium scale industry and in different market segments of the Nigerian economy.
We are a dynamic market research company providing comprehensive research solutions and strategic research services which increases the bottom line of our clients.
Market Research is the key factor towards having an edge over your competitors. They provide important information that identifies and analyzes market need, size and competition.
Yam {Dioscorea spp.} is an important food crop especially in the yam zone of West Africa. Although more than six hundred species of the tuber exist, only a few are important as staple food in the tropics. These include white yam (D. rotundata), yellow yam (D. Cayenensis), […]
Read more →The mining industry is easily recognized as one of the most valuable sectors of an industrialized economy because its linkage to other sectors of development and its enormous capacity to support and simulate growth in virtually all sectors of the economy. As Nigeria strives to achieve vision […]
Read more →Any nation that wants to develop must look inwards to identify areas where it has comparative advantage over other nations and seek to develop the identified areas. Apart from hydrocarbon of which Nigeria is the sixth largest exporter of crude oil and has the second largest known […]
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